
* According to models and stock availability.
** Can be ordered online until the stock lasts.
StarliteRF-a & Starlite ARRi WVS
Includes a built-in receiver
Paired with TitanHD2 Tx-a
Remote control of ARRI’s Alexa-Mini & AMIRA cameras
Our latest generation of wireless video
No latency, no transmission delay
Tx and Rx are paired within sec.

* According to models and stock availability.
** Can be ordered online until the stock lasts.
Steadicam mounting systems
Yoke and other mounting systems for Stargate, RainbowHD, CinemonitorHD 6 & 8
* According to models and stock availability.

Why we do not have HDMI on our products?
Transvideo focuses only on high end Production and equipment.
The HDMI connector is a wonderful improvement for consumer electronics, however we juge that it is not well adapted for professional use.
On top of that it makes the developments and support more complex and implies to pay some fees and royalties to the HDMI consortium.
It is why, after several years of effort to implement HDMI on some of our products and the lack of interest of our professional customers for this format, we have decided to do not use anymore this connector on our systems. We have removed the connector and functions from existing products and we do not implement anymore HDMI.