Transvideo 4-Pin Fischer to 4-Pin Hirose & BNC Breakout Cable
Price: €140,00 (ex. VAT, ExWorks)
Article: 906TS0133
Weight: 150 g
Transvideo AL15 power supply with Lemo2 mini
Directly usable with StarliteHD, StarliteHD+, StarliteHD-m and TitanHD2
Price: €60,00 (ex. VAT, ExWorks)
Article: 918TS0292
Weight: 200 g
Transvideo Fisher4 Hirose6 video & Power cable for Rainbow/Titan to minimonitor Arri or Aaton
Price: €120,00 (ex. VAT, ExWorks)
Article: 906TS0029
Weight: 100 g
Hirose6 to lemo8 power cable for Transvideo Rainbow on Steadicam Pro
To power Rainbow II on Steadicam Pro
Price: €140,00 (ex. VAT, ExWorks)
Article: 906TS0065
Weight: 0 g
Transvideo Hirose6 to XLR4-M - Power for Titan, Pegasus, ...
Price: €120,00 (ex. VAT, ExWorks)
Article: 906TS0017
Weight: 100 g
Lemo8 Hirose6 Cable Transvideo 906TS0116
Price: €140,00 (ex. VAT, ExWorks)
Article: 906TS0116
Weight: 100 g
Price: €140,00 (ex. VAT, ExWorks)
Article: 906TS0170
Weight: 0 g
Price: €140,00 (ex. VAT, ExWorks)
Article: 906TS0171
Weight: 0 g
Price: €140,00 (ex. VAT, ExWorks)
Article: 906TS0181
Weight: 0 g
Price: €140,00 (ex. VAT, ExWorks)
Article: 906TS0169
Weight: 0 g
Transvideo XLR4-F to Fisher11 - Power for monitor
Price: €120,00 (ex. VAT, ExWorks)
Article: 906TS0009
Weight: 100 g


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