Alaric Hamacher, Virtual Experience - CineMonitorHD 3DView S
The national german broadcaster ZDF chose Virtual Experience to supervise their first 3-DTV Documentary „ Die Huberbuam“ ( engl. „The Huber Boys“)! The two protagonists and brothers Alexander and Thomas Huber are among the best rock climbers worldwide. To capture spectacular climbing scenes of Alexander and Thomas Huber special stereo 3DRig Setups had to be used. After months of preparation and research ZDF and the Virtual Experience team developed a solution: In combining an innovative miniature 3D camera setup, the Sina Cam and the lightweight Freesytle mirror Rig by P+S Technik, the two extreme mountain camera operators, Franz Hinterbrandner and Max Reichel could operate a system which is capable of mastering difficult climbing shots inside the rock. All the camera and 3D settings were wire-controlled over far distances (up to 300 feet / 100m) by the stereographers and camera technicans. In addition, crane and steadycam shots were produced under extreme circumstances in the wild mountain scenery. A new generation Transvideo „S“ 3D HDSDI monitor allowed live viewing and stereo allignment in every situation. |
To rounden up the viewing experience, beautiful timelapse shots were produced by the 3D team using the high image quality of digital DSLR cameras. Big stereo bases were used for this kind of shots which were hard to set up under rocky mountain conditions. The challenging 3D script by Director Jens Monath (ZDF) and his DOP Claus Köppinger (ZDF) was brought to live by the stereographer team of Virtual Experience, around Alaric Hamacher. This 3D documentary takes the audience to places and situations which most of them have never experienced before. All participiants of the project are fully amazed by the pictures. Especially the two main protagonists, Thomas and Alexander Huber, never saw themselves in 3D. Thomas Huber: „This is really amazing. I think I´ve never seen more spectacular shots in any other climbing feature before! And it´s all in 3D“ Experience this epic Stereo 3D mountain adventure on ZDF, broadcasted October the 3rd in 2D and as a special stereo 3D edition only on the Internet. Also follow us for coming making of´s and more pictures from the stunning set of „Die Huberbuam“.
ZDF Staff:
Virtual Experience Staff: