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NewsLetter December 2013
TOPICS Jesse Vance about his RainbowHD, 3G SDI on CineMonitorHD Evolution,
MiniS4/i now supported by the LensReader, Transvideo in Torino
Jesse Vance is a 1s Assistant Camera and Focus Puller living in Canada. He has chosen Transvideo RainbowHD for the quality of its specific Focus Puller tools.
CineMonitorHD Evolution
Software package 7.20
Software package 6.10
Download and update
What's new:
- 3G SDI
- MiniS4/i supported by the LensReader (software 7.xx only)
Build 131
Download and update

3G SDI now on CineMonitorHD Evolution
The latest CineMonitorHD Evolution now support 3G SDI video standard (1080p @ 50Hz & 60Hz).
This major improvement is available on CineMonitorHD Evolution (software 6.xx & 7.xx). CineMonitorHD Evolution owners may update their monitors for free.

Cooke miniS4/i are now supported
By the LensReader on CineMonitorHD Evolution
The LensReader by Transvideo reads and displays in real time the key metadata of smart lenses. Focus, iris an zoom information of /i and LDS lenses are sent to the monitor by RS232 or through the SDI signal.
Cooke miniS4/i have been added to the list of supported lenses. The recovery of the metadata is done through the SDI outputs of Arri Alexa SUP 9 or Sony PMW-F3 (and soon on F5/F55/F65).

Transvideo in Torino - December, Thursday 12th
Invited by K5600lighting and Entechne
Sebastien Barbedienne from K5600lighting (HMI lighting) and Andrea Scaglione from Entechne have invited Transvideo to show its new monitors at the theater "La Lavanderia a Vapore" in Torino, Italy.
Transvideo will show its latest products: 7" RainbowHD, 8" CineMonitorHD Evolution with LensReader as well as the first prototype of the 5" OLED StarliteHD.
You are free to visit us to see K5600lighting and Transvideo new products.
Venue information:
La Lavanderia a Vapore
Cso Pastrengo 51, Collegno (To)
December, Thursday 12th - 15h to 20h
Contact: info[at]