Aaton Transvideo at MicoSalon AEC & Workshop, Madrid, December 10-15
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Visit us during MicroSalon AEC & Workshop Spain - Madrid
Demonstration at the ECAM, December 10th
Escuela de Cine y Audiovisual
Transvideo will present its latest products to the DOP students at 15:30.
Aaton Digital will demonstrate its latest products to the Sound students at 17:30 with the collaboration of IberAlp.
Transvideo will present its latest products to the DOP students at 15:30.
Aaton Digital will demonstrate its latest products to the Sound students at 17:30 with the collaboration of IberAlp.
Aaton Digital Open Door day, December 12th, 10AM - 7PM
IberAlp, Manuel Montilla 10
Open door day in IberAlp with all the Aaton Digital technology by Jacques Delacoux.
Admission is free but limited capacity, please confirm assistance at info@iberalp.es or +34 913 45 87 66
Will be demonstrated :
CantarX3 and CantarMini
The Aaton Hydra, a RF integrated management directly from your Cantar.
The Cantaress, an advanced mixing surface with a super large screen and slim form factor.
The Cantarem2 as well as other new accessories.
Open door day in IberAlp with all the Aaton Digital technology by Jacques Delacoux.
Admission is free but limited capacity, please confirm assistance at info@iberalp.es or +34 913 45 87 66
Will be demonstrated :
CantarX3 and CantarMini
The Aaton Hydra, a RF integrated management directly from your Cantar.
The Cantaress, an advanced mixing surface with a super large screen and slim form factor.
The Cantarem2 as well as other new accessories.
AEC MicroSalon, December 14-15th
Visit us at Catts Camera´s booth and get hands on our latest and new products.
Will be on show for Transvideo :
The StarliteHD-m, a new touchscreen monitor-recorder with metadata aggregator. It is the Missing Link between Cameras, Lenses, Post Productions & VFX.
The StarliteHD+, a new version of StarliteHD with more powerful hardware.
The Stargate with its latest software as well as the CinemonitorHD X-SBL.
Will be on show for Transvideo :
The StarliteHD-m, a new touchscreen monitor-recorder with metadata aggregator. It is the Missing Link between Cameras, Lenses, Post Productions & VFX.
The StarliteHD+, a new version of StarliteHD with more powerful hardware.
The Stargate with its latest software as well as the CinemonitorHD X-SBL.
Click here to read more on Catts Camera website